My Testimony - Beyond Religion - Short Version (click here for the full version)

 I have lived in the DMV area all my life, and I am the oldest of three kids. Growing up, my family was religious, and we attended church regularly. However, around 11 or 12, I became more interested in things outside the church and didn’t want much to do with God. I thought people who didn't attend church had more fun, so I moved away from religion. Despite this, I always believed that God existed; I couldn't accept that the earth came about from a random cosmic big bang or that we are simply products of evolution. My mindset led me away from religion entirely when I got to college. As I began making my own choices, I realized that everything that appears fun is not always good for us. I started to experience the consequences of my choices and realized I didn't know God personally. I also realized that my sin had separated me from God and that I needed to be remade. I surrendered my heart to Christ in August of 1997 and experienced what it means to be born again. God has been giving me the power to turn away from sin, and not only that, but I have a real relationship with the Lord that is more than just rules and regulations. I am now a different person because of Christ. Now, I trust, rely, and depend on Jesus and tell others about Him every chance because of all the joy He's given me.

I will be praying for you that you would come to know the love Jesus Christ has for you, and if you already know Him, that you and I would know Him even more! If you have any questions, please let me know.

Note: if you are interested, I have the full version here along with other topics in the links to the left of this page.