Name: Bill Snow Jr.

Age: 45

Favorite passage: Romans 8:28

I got saved in 1997 after hearing a powerful message on the forgiveness of God through Jesus Christ.  A message that challenged my warped understanding of how God loves us.  I grew up, some might say, in legalism where one's performance is the primary basis for reward.  The truth that God's grace is so immeasurable and so far reaching that God even had me in mind when He sent Jesus Christ, His only Son, to the cross for the sins of the world, is both mind blowing and has been life-changing!  I am normally a very private person when it comes to the internet but I really felt that the Lord wanted me to get my story out and dialog with anyone who would be interested, even if it's just one person that gets encouraged or helped in some way that would be a tremendous blessing! 

I attend a modest local fellowship called Calvary Temple in northern Virginia where the Word of God is taught, lived and highly regarded.  Much of what I have learned, I have learned from sitting under the teaching of, watching and being around my Pastor: Pastor Star Scott.  I am very thankful for the men of God who truly care for God's people and sincerely try to live what they preach and who are humble enough to tell you that they fall short at times, just as we all do.  Yet the goal and ambition of our lives is to be like Christ, a pursuit we can never waiver from.

Jesus Christ is coming back real soon, the question our Pastor has constantly confronts us with and we have been prayerful about: When He [Jesus] comes will He find faith in the earth, my prayer is that when He comes He will find faith in me, and in you!

God Bless!

-Bill S.

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