Scripture: Numbers 22-24

The story of Balaam demonstrates God's love, patience, and mercy towards those who serve Him. Balaam had a relationship that turned surface-level with God and chose worldly riches over service to God. Although God used him mightily, Balaam's soul was lost. The story provides insight into his inner struggles and a lot of details about him. Lessons from the story include the importance of true repentance, devotion to God, and not serving God for selfish gain.True obedience goes beyond mere surface actions and words. The condition of our heart is much more important to God than our outward expressions, which can often be nothing more than empty religious practices (1 Samuel 16:7). Balaam may have said all the right things, but his heart was really set on what he could personally gain from Balak. As servants of God, it is essential for us to listen carefully and intently to what He commands us, particularly when we seek His direction.

For instance, in verse 20, God instructed Balaam to go with the men if they come to call him. However, in verse 21, we see that Balaam rose in the morning, saddled his donkey, and went with the princes of Moab, ignoring the specific instructions given by God. This was Balaam's first act of outward disobedience, which made God angry. Although God allowed him to go, Balaam's disregard for God's instructions may have put him in danger.

As God's children, we should be careful not to think too highly of ourselves and our devotion to Him. We must examine our hearts regularly to ensure that our words and actions are in alignment with God's will!

  1. A lack of teachableness: We should be very careful when praying regarding an area in ourlives that God has already given us a straightforward "no" about, especially when it’s something we know our heart is set on doing. This is a recipe for disaster and we will most likely be answered according to our idols (Ezekiel 14:4). We must trust God’s judgment and realize that trying to get what we want regardless of what God says simply shows that our lusts are out of control and that we don’t trust that our heavenly Father has our best interest at heart. It demonstrates that we lack faith, and we know that without faith it is impossible to please God.

  2. It is never okay to associate, help, or accommodate people who want to harm others and especially God’s people. As believers, we should treat each other like family and we should never betray one another. In this story, the princes were messengers sent by a man who wanted to curse and drive out the Israelites. Balaam, who claimed to serve and obey God, knew that the Israelites were blessed and divinely protected by God. However, he still chose to lodge the princes, probably feeding them and showing them hospitality, in hopes of gaining something from Balak. As Psalm 119:115 says, “Depart from me, you evildoers, for I will keep the commandments of my God!” This should be our attitude in this kind of situation.

    It's also important to note that Balaam conveniently left out an important detail when he refused to go with the messengers the first time. In verse 13, he simply says “The Lord refuses to let me go with you.” While this was true, it shows that he was not truly in harmony with God’s will, but was merely showing restraint. He left out the fact that God had blessed the Israelites, which could have closed the door on any interaction with Balak. Balaam was trying to find a way to “please” God and get paid, but the Bible says that we cannot serve both God and money. We will either love one and hate the other, or hate one and love the other.

  3. A lack of spiritual sensitivity: During Balaam's journey with the men after their second visit, he didn't sense a check in his heart that the Lord was not happy with him. He didn't notice that there was no peace between himself and God. Believers should always be sensitive to the spirit of God and should notice even the slightest displeasure that we may cause to the Holy Spirit within us. Our attitude, intentions, and actions can grieve Him. I believe that the primary method the Lord will use to get our attention is His Word which will help sharpen our spiritual sensitivity. He is a God of intimacy, and the external is normally secondary and used especially when we are spiritually dull and distracted. We are usually in this state when we have an idol in our hearts that is blocking our heavenly receptivity.

  4. When we become deaf to the voice of the Spirit, the next thing we tend to lose is our spiritual vision and understanding. This is what happened to Balaam, who couldn't see the dangerous situation he was heading towards. The story tells us that an angel of the Lord was blocking his way, ready to strike him dead, yet he perceived nothing. He lacked the discernment to realize that his donkey, who had always obeyed him, was trying to save his life. He didn't recognize that all the problems he was facing were all God warning him to stop. As believers, we will face some of the same challenges as non-believers, but because we have a relationship with God, we must also be sensitive to what He may be telling us through the circumstances we face. That's why it's crucial to pray without ceasing, constantly checking with God and asking for His will in our lives. We must remember that our God is alive and dynamic, and He has the power to change the course of our lives whenever He deems it necessary to accomplish His will and bring glory to His name.

  5. Greed produces stubbornness: this too contributes to spiritual insensitivity. He got agitated and violent when his donkey prevented him from achieving his agenda. He ignored the fact that his donkey might be trying to save his life. This is dangerous, both spiritually and physically.

  6. Lukewarm Devotion: who was aware that God had blessed the Israelites but chose to keep his distance. The Israelite laws allowed foreigners and aliens to join their community and participate in the Passover feast. Despite their uniqueness among all the nations of the earth, God made a clear path for aliens who desired to join them and partake in His redemption plan. Today, Christians also have a unique relationship with God, but they are commanded to preach the gospel to every living creature. A person who refuses to join a church or be a part of the body of Christ and yet believes they are right with God is like Balaam. They may believe that their prosperity and good health as favor, but they are missing something fundamental. Paul warns us not to believe that gain is godliness. Instead, we must ask ourselves if we have a passion for God, a growing desire to be like Christ, a connection to the heart of God where He can lead us, a love for the brethren, and a willingness to join in the fellowship of His sufferings. If we are only content with experiencing the promises and blessings of God without God Himself, we will not have a long-term relationship with Him. We must worship Him in spirit and in truth with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. If we refuse to humble ourselves, Jesus' warning in Revelation about the end of the lukewarm person will be true of us - He will spew us out of His mouth!

The story of Balaam concludes with God using him to bless the Israelites. Balaam makes some profound and beautiful prophesies about the future of the Israelites, even predicting the coming of the Messiah. Despite this, he fails to be found in the Lamb's Book of Life because he wanted to live his life his own way while thinking he was good with God. The New Testament references to him, made by Peter, Jude, and Jesus, show that he is an example of what not to do. Jesus tells us that Balaam caused the Israelites to stumble and sin against God. This should remind us to be all in with God and His people, and not hold back or keep Him at a distance. We must love God and His people, otherwise, we will be distant from heaven on the last day.

Sometimes, we can also be stubborn and unteachable, just like Balaam. We need God to work in us to change us and make us more like Him. We have the Word of God, which tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us and that we are more than conquerors in Jesus Christ. So, we should trust God with all our hearts, seek Him with all our strength, and allow Him to be God to us. We should be a people who bring glory to His name, obey Him in every area of our lives, know Him, and be known by Him.

Let us pray to God with a repentant heart and a desire to be changed and made more like Him because none of us are any better than Balaam, and we are guilty of some of the same bad choices. We need God to help us overcome the love of riches and fame of this world that is in our flesh.

In Jesus Holy name! Amen!